Types of Architecture Styles
A perfect cloud architecture is the combination of right compute products, databases, software capabilities, applications, backup all engineered together to solve business problems. We can broadly divide cloud architecture into 2 parts, Front-End & Back-End. Beyond this, based on business requirement, we have different architectural styles
Big Data, Big Compute
Massively large scale workloads which don’t have consistent 5Vs of big data such as volume, velocity, veracity, value & variety, need BigData-BigCompute architecture style.
Event Driven Architecture
Event driven architecture is focused on the messaging products which can handle event producers & event consumers. It is also called Publisher-Subscriber model. When multiple sub systems process the same events in high volumes & velocity, architecture needs a better message-based integration. Event driven architecture can complement any pub-sub model wherein the publishers are decoupled from subscribers
Monolithic (vs) Microservices is a debatable topic and most organizations have come to a conclusion of Microservices architecture. It is a collection of many small, independent workload, wherein every service can be in written in different software languages by small focused teams.
N-Tier Application
This model has physical & logical tiering. Physical tier consists of separate machines & logical tiering is the isolation of business. This type of architecture is for IaaS and you definitely need experts to design this architecture in a way that the layers between the architecture is closely maintained.
For more such architectures, contact ProArch