Ensure your web applications are fast and stable.
Understand if your application is running in line with best practices and ways to improve the speed and stability of your application.
The ASP.NET Application Health Check is designed and developed by ProArch to evaluate and remediate production ASP.NET Applications to ensure productive use.
This review includes analysis of an ASP.NET application for problems relating to configuration, performance, and other common issues.
During the review, your application support staff will gain hands on knowledge transfer of the tools and techniques required to troubleshoot your production environment. You also receive a report that details findings and recommendations to complete the engagement.
How the Service Works
The ASP.NET Application Health Check will perform the following steps examining your .NET application which includes:
In addition to the review, knowledge transfer around best practices for developing and improving your applications is provided.
By reviewing the application for common problems and best practice violations the review will identify areas of potential instability and provide recommendations to remediate those problems.
Make your operations and development teams have a deep understanding of how the application is performing and how they can improve it to better server your users.
A key to understanding how to improve the performance of an application is to identify the bottlenecks in the application. This benchmarking will be key in driving performance improvements in the correct places across the application. Retrieving data from both production and test environments can be used to measure how well the test environment reflects your production environment.
During the review there is a heavy focus on providing the development and operations team with what to look for in a healthy application and how to find the source of potential problems.
In addition, the engineer will discuss common best practices and how to implement them across the application. This knowledge transfer will ideally be done with the full development team to ensure that everyone is improving their development skills.
IT Requirements/Deliverables
Individual or Team
The team will receive a final report detailing findings, issues, and details about the application.